Tomboy age 8.

Tomboy at age 8, 1996.

Home studio, 2016. Photo by Matt Johnson

FACES solo exhibition, 2023.

About The Artist

Suzy Wilson was born and raised in North Vancouver. She has always had an eye for detail and a strong affinity for wonder and humour. Growing up surrounded by the natural and urban landscapes of her hometown, Suzy developed a keen ability to observe and appreciate the intricate details in her surroundings. This observant nature has become the foundation of her artist style, which goes beyond a specific theme or subject matter.

After graduating high school, Suzy pursued her passion for art by enrolling in Capilano University’s Studio Art Program. There she honed her skills in painting, drawing, sculpture and ceramics. This transformative journey led Suzy to begin experimenting with patterns, textures and colours. While expanding her skill set, she was also getting an education in classical masterpieces and contemporary art movements. This helped her develop a critical eye, and give her own artwork context.

In 2012 her artistic evolution continued with her debut art show at Gropp’s Gallery titled, “My Nervous Stomach”. This vibrant display of artworks served as a visual exploration of inner turmoil, and the cathartic process of finding release and solace through artistic expression.

Two years later, Suzy embarked on an introspective journey, focusing on portraiture and nostalgia in art show titled, “25 Year Old Tomboy.” These artworks encapsulated her journey of rediscovering the essence of her true self, and embracing the spirit of the little tomboy she once was.

Suzy drew inspiration for her next project from her experiences working as a nanny, and leading art classes for kids in Bella Coola, B.C. Suzy felt compelled to make art for kids, which led her to enrol in Picture Book Illustration and Writing courses at Emily Carr University in 2016. There, she discovered a passion for storytelling through creating her own book featuring a tomboy protagonist. A story exploring identity and gender expression, and the importance of a caregiver’s acceptance.

2016 is also the year that Suzy Wilson Art became an official business. Allowing her to offer commission drawings, paintings, and murals. As well as selling both prints and originals online, and at local markets.

Suzy currently resides in Vancouver with her supportive girlfriend Nicole and their cat Penelope, and is in the process of setting up a brand new studio space. Here she looks forward to a new chapter of creative endeavours, and continuing to ever evolve as an artist.